
STEM Amateur Radio Club Constitution

1. Purpose

a. To promote an interest in the amateur radio hobby among students, young people in general, and community members.

b. To promote participants’ knowledge and skills in areas related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).

c. To conduct activities and programs that will support an interest in amateur radio and educate participants as to the importance of amateur radio in providing communications during events such as natural disasters or other emergencies.

d. To promote those skills necessary for participants to earn their amateur radio license.

2. Bylaws

a. Proposals for amendments to the constitution may be made by any officer or Senior member of the club. Proposals must be submitted in writing.

b. These bylaws may be amended by a three-fourths vote.

3. Membership

a. Junior Membership is open to any student interested in amateur radio.

b. Senior Membership is open to:

  1. Any qualified adult willing to assist in accomplishing the activities outlined previously.
  2. Any student who holds a current FCC Technician level license or higher.

c. Membership shall be by application and election upon such terms as the club shall provide in its Bylaws.

d. Membership may not be denied to anyone because of race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status or any other reason that would be biased or prejudicial.

e. Any member may be expelled from the membership by the club for deliberate acts of violation of the orders, rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission relating to Amateur Radio, or for deliberate acts in violation of these bylaws or misuse of club property.

f. Any member is subject to dismissal for conduct which would cause the suspension or revocation of their amateur radio license, or which would cause unfavorable concern to be reflected on amateur radio in general.

g. Junior members must be working towards earning a license and/or demonstrate gains toward earning a license.

h. Any member who operates a club station without the permission of a club officer or without the Trustee physically present will have their membership revoked.

4. Officers

a. Officers must be an active member in good standing who hold a valid Amateur Radio license.

b. Officers will include a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasure (of which one will be designated as Trustee).

c. The officers of this club shall be elected for a term of one year by ballot of the members present, provided there is a quorum, at the annual meeting.

d. An individual may not hold more than one office at the same term.

e. Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special elections at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation.

f. Any officer may resign his/her position in writing at which time all records and assets of the club will be turned over to the President or Vice President.

g. Removal of Officers

  1. Officers may be removed from office for causes which would violate any of the conditions set forth in the membership guidelines.
  2. Removal of an officer requires a three-fourths vote of the full membership.

5. Roles and Responsibilities of Officers

a. President: The President’s responsibilities shall include but are not limited to scheduling and coordinating activities of the club. This shall include meetings and special events as well as managing the day-to-day affairs of the club.

b. Vice President: The role of the Vice-President will be to work with the president to help coordinate activities such as meetings and special events. The Vice-President will assume the duties of the President in his/her absence.

c. Secretary – Will assist the President and Vice President in managing club records as needed. If the President and Vice President are absent, the Secretary will assume the duties of President.

d. Treasurer – Will maintain any records of funds collected by the club through grants, fundraisers, or donations.

e. Trustee – The Trustee must be physically present at the station for any person to operate any club station. The trustee may also be an officer of the club. The Trustee must possess an active amateur radio operator’s license. The club station can only operate at the level of the privilege permitted under the license possessed by the Trustee.

6. Privileges

a. ONLY Senior members have the privilege of checking out club equipment.

b. Senior members will have priority access to the use of the club’s equipment.

c. Members will only be allowed to use club equipment after they have received permission from a club officer and when the club Trustee is present.

7. Dues

a. No dues will be collected or required. Funding for the club will be provided through grants, fundraisers, and donations.